February is a month of love, and I believe, a really important topic. So for my first official blog, I want to hit you with a little bit (ok, a lot) of truth. It’s really simple, but probably the hardest things for me to grasp as an imperfect mommy/wife/person. Often, I find myself forgetting this truth, and beating myself up, and I can’t imagine that I am the only one feeling that way, so here goes:
Jesus loves YOU!
Ok, maybe that is a bit too simple, so let me add to that just a bit.
Jesus loves you:

  • when you’re angry.
  • when you’re stressed.
  • when you’re tired.
  • when you’re grumpy.
  • when you’re mean.
  • when you yell.
  • when you’re impatient.
  • when you’re cursing under your breath and throwing things around the house like The Hulk, because you stepped on the billionth toy car of the day and had already asked the kids to clean them up about a dozen times!

Sorry, things got a little personal there.
But do you get it? He loves you, and all that you are, because He created you.

I LOVE those verses! And not just because of the descriptive, yarn-friendly word, “knit.” But because I know that my creator made me exactly who I am, and there is no other like me. I encourage you to think about that this week when you are feeling down, no matter the circumstances. There is not a single one in this universe like you, and Jesus loves you exactly the way you are. Just a few last things before you get on with your day:

  • Tomorrow will be my first EVER free pattern release, so stay tuned! It’s a fun one!  
  • Spread the word and share the love!